måndag 24 februari 2014

Take me away from these Sleepless night

Sorry I haven't been writing here quite as frequently as our Sara has. It's been busy for a change!

Today was okay for a Monday. But for some reason I was still exhausted when I got home so I thought I'd rest for a bit after eating before I would clean a bit and maybe go for a jog. But no. I fell asleep and slept for 2 hours! Woke up at 6 (18) and I knew that my nights sleep had been ruined. So here I am, 2.30 am and can't for the life of me catch a little sleep. It's not that I'm not tiered, I am, I'm just a bit wound up I guess. It's just been one of those days you know. Sometimes it's just hard to shut out all the noise around, all the expectations and everything that someone says I am supposed to do to be something I'm supposed to be. As if we imperfect humans don't already put enough expectations and pressure on ourselves.

I have no idea if any of this is going to make sense in the light of day. I might be awake, but it's still after 2 am and things don't tend to make sense at this hour.

I'm trying to escape with music and awake dreams of a summer filled with long hangout sessions on our balcony, trips here and there. Having an awesome time with my girls before I have to let them go.

So... let's see how much sleep I'll get before sunrise.


A song and some memories from my summer 2013.

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