måndag 20 oktober 2014


It truly is a busy life. I haven't even had time to read what Eve wrote 2 weeks ago until now. This blog is after all meant to be a way to share with each other what's going on in our lives apart. Eve's been here this weekend, and it was lovely seeing her again. Kind of feels like we didn't even have time to catch up though, I have no idea where this weekend disappeared. I've been resting a bit for once, Saturday was my first day in ages when I didn't have to do anything in particular. Amazing. I slept until 10, went to the library, got a coffee and some vegan cupcake and chocolate from Broadway Market, went to the gym, then to a photography gallery and then later on we danced the night away at Blues Kitchen in Camden. Sunday was nice too, meeting, running, gym, swimming and Hoxton Gallery, which had an amazing art show featuring Street Artists. I really loved it, go see it if you can!
Now I'm in the office listening to some of our new piano tracks, that are so beautiful I could easily shed a tear or two. I have another very busy week ahead of me. I'd feel like going to bed at 9 PM but that's just not going to happen. I've got something planned for every week night this week. A few weeks back i finally started CrossFit for real and I am literally in love with it!! My squat and deadlift technique have improved fast and I'm looking forward to learning lots more. Too bad my schedule is so busy, there are only a few classes a week that fit in, so I haven't finished my Level 1's yet.
Last week I was at the Neighbourhood's gig, it was surprisingly great! I fell in love with Sweater Weather ages ago, so it was pretty amazing hearing it live and having lots of people singing along around me. I guess London's a pretty awesome place to go to concerts. Looking forward to many more.
Time to get back to work. I feel quite awake after this morning's workout and heaps of coffee. Effective Monday, here I am.


söndag 14 september 2014

Answer to Vlog

HEIMOI. Loved Eve's cute vlog. Yeah, we've been kind of busy I guess. but really it's the same kind of busy as I've been in Stockholm so it's not gotten out of hands yet. I'm working at a production music company at the moment, and internship sort of, and it's quite interesting. I still have a lot to fix with the NI number and setting up a bank account but that should sort itself out before this month comes to its end.
Today's been really nice, the girls organized this tea party/welcome thing for me and Laura and invited over some girls. Our lovely Renee made us vegan cupcakes that were to die for. Laura and I ate three. Now I'm so full I have to roll myself to other rooms. Not really. I was out running after eating so it wasn't too bad. I just love love love this area. Victoria Park is the best place to go for a run and it's so close to where we live too. Can't wait to get a gym membership though. Can't get one until I have a bank account. Hirveetä byrokratiaa. Graciasta vaan. Oh well, at least I got a library card! Not that I've been calm enough to read lately. But the calm will come! I don't even remember what I've told about living here in the earlier post, maybe I'm repeating myself, IDK.

BUT LIFE IS AWESOME. I love music. And I love London. EVERYTHING IS GREAT.
All I gotta do is find some dance crew or whatever. Met some cool street dancers last night. Maybe I could join 'em lol.
Who knows.

Heaps of exclamation marks


The one with the vlog

So this happened......

måndag 8 september 2014

Positiivisuus on...

Hey peeps!

1 week in London! All is swell! I love this place. Can't believe our luck, we moved to the coolest area in London. Both Shoreditch and Dalston are so cool and trendy. Shoreditch is the new headquarters of the creative people and oh ain't I loving it! Laura got a job at our (already) favorite smoothie bar and it's awesome. I'm still not sure where I'll end up working but I'm not in a hurry. For one thing, I'm looking forward to trying out the gyms around here. Especially the Reebok Gym, even though it isn't exactly in our quarters. When I get my first paycheck, that's where I'll be living at least for a month.
Can't believe the amount of events and concerts here. There are three major film festivals during September/October, lots and lots of awesome concerts, parties, you know it! Can't say I miss Stockholm haha. But life is what you make it, I guess, and I'm more positive now than I was in Stockholm. I guess I did get a bit of a break in Finland after all.
Another good thing about our hoods: the parks! London's a cool place to go out running in, the parks even have trails so you don't have to run on concrete all of the time. *handclapping*
Today's Laura's last day off before starting her new job so we'll probably just wander around, taking it easy. I got so much energy. I've been getting up around 7 AM most mornings without trying, too energetic to sleep longer. I guess I'm very excited for every new day. Eyy who's the positive monster here now!!? Haha... Crazy person #1.

Life is awesome and so are you.


lördag 6 september 2014

All of the feels

Okay so it's been a while. But as you can see from Saras posts the girls moved this week, and it is time to get this blog started for real! We are all heading in to completely new lives and challenges.
I'm excited but also terrified. It's been such an emotional roller coaster peaking these past few days (or even weeks, I don't even know ha ha) But now I'm here. I've moved in to my best friends apartment. My best friend left with my (now ex) roommate to find new things in London.
Amazing London. I don't blame them at all for going. I'm actually more proud than anything. And happy. Maybe a little bit jealous too. I'm going to visit them soon anyway.

I haven't been writing here since before my vacation, on which I actually went to London. Went to a wedding in Milton Keynes and thought , hey - since I'm flying over there I should check out London while I'm there. Ended up having the most amazing time with some of the greatest people I know, and met awesome new friends.
But as all good things must, it ended. With me missing  my flight home. Just perfect!

So because it's been so hectic and crazy I was so grateful to go away for a week with my mum, up north to mu uncles cabin. It was just what we needed. To get away, and breathe for a while. Even though it rained every day! But the times we caught some breaks it was beautiful. I went down to the lake and just watched the still water reflect the clouds. I still feel a pinch in my heart thinking about it.

So back to now. Been back at work for two weeks. Stayed with my parents for a week and moved in to Lauras place on Monday. It's been strange, but I've gotten pretty good at adapting in to new environments and situations. So I'm making myself at home here pretty well.
Today we finally had the last move in our family, my parents. I am now completely drained both physically and emotionally, so I'm just going to hibernate for about two weeks.

Till next time.

Love/ E.

onsdag 3 september 2014


London, we have arrived. Our roomies are super sweet and awesome, and we're living in a really cool area. So all is good. I've been a bit sick during the last 24 hours, with a massive head ache and even throwing up. Now I'm feeling fine however. It's probably because I'm not used to the water here and I drank a lot of it yesterday. We're currently in the process of finding jobs etc and so we're running around our neighborhood looking for nice places to work. There's so many cool cafés, restaurants and shops to visit. So yeah, that's about it for now. Looking forward to all that's yet to come!


söndag 31 augusti 2014

The Time Has Come

Sounds like doomsday? Well, not quite. Tomorrow it's Monday, September 1st. The day all of this really starts. Our lives apart. Tomorrow me and Laura move to London. I am beyond excited of what's to come. Can't wait to meet amazing new people and truly experience London.
I'd like to say it's a new start for me, and hopefully it will be. I feel like I've been quite selfish the last year. I haven't been interested in the people around me. It's easy to see now that I've had time to think. It's been a tough year and there's a lot I could've done better. But now I'm at least a bit wiser. And it'll be good.
London, I'm ready. Ready for a new beginning. And oh what a fan I am of those.


onsdag 13 augusti 2014


I am back. Or, I am gone. I said goodbye to Stockholm (for good![?]) a week and a half ago. I felt so free. Getting everything ready for the move was rather tough though. I guess I had a nervous breakdown or two. My sister was visiting me the last month of my stay in Stockholm and besides also having a lot going on at work I had to entertain her. And in addition I had to get rid of all of my things from the apartment, super exhausting. I can't believe how many clothes I'd managed to collect during those two years in Stockholm. What a nuisance to try to get rid of them. I wish I'd been able to hold a trunk sale or something like that, imagine the money I'd made with all of those clothes. My goodness. I'd be rich!!??!? Another surprise was going through my previous paychecks. I mean, WHERE DID THAT MONEY GO? Seriously? I hardly even traveled anywhere after the Sri Lanka trip in June 2013. Only London, Tenerife and then England again. I can't believe I spent all of that money on things I don't even remember buying. Need to stop spending. July was good nevertheless, the weather's been perfect. How often do we get summers like this up here in Northern Europe!?

And so, Finland. I've spent a week at our summer cottage in the wilderness in Lapland. I was looking forward to a week of quiet but since my little sister and little brother were there too, well, dream on! No quiet for me. It was awesome though and I hope to get to go there again before it's time to move to London. Speaking of which, is this exciting or what! Less than 4 weeks to go!! I've started looking for a job, a gym, street-viewing the area where we'll be living... I'm a bit nervous too, especially since I noticed the (expected) salaries are half of what I'm getting in Sweden. 's gonna be expensive. But, it's an adventure I'm looking forward to a lot. 
These last weeks in Finland I'm going to devote myself to training, dancing and running. And relaxing. No stress. Life is good and now I'm gonna eat food. 


Ooh, and here a song that's been stuck on replay in my head all day for y'all to enjoy.

söndag 27 juli 2014

I follow the sun beyond the horizon.

Hey guys. So sorry we've been abandoning the blog lately. We've all just been busy preparing for the upcoming move. Sara is moving out of the apartment in ONE WEEK and me just two days after her, and the girls are going to London in September. We've all been cleaning out our closets and cabinets selling/throwing and giving away stuff. And packing.

It' so crazy to think that soon it will all be over. It's the end of an era, and a beginning of a whole new chapter. Most exciting for the girls of course, but I'll be having my own adventure with living completely on my own for the first time. Trying to make new friends.

The thing I'm most excited about in all of this madness is that my brother and his wife are finally coming back home. I know they where just here, and I've been able to visit them from time to time, I've still missed them o much! So I'm just going to think about that and not about the fact that my best friend and my roommate are moving away to another country.

So what have we been up to besides all of this moving madness? Pretty much just enjoying the summer as much as possible. Last weekend for example was so great! It's been so warm these past weeks it feels tropical. I went out with my parents with their boat, and even the ocean water is super warm. I love it.
And Friday we where at The Loch and Quay where our a friends band played. I love their music, check them out, they're called BURNhabit.

I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore. We will pick it up again when things calm down a little bit.

Until then, take care.


onsdag 2 juli 2014

Don't forget to Breathe

Yo yo peeps. It's been a loooong time since there was anything happening on this blog. The girls have been on vacation and other than that it's been work and life as usual.

This past weekend me and a few other girls surprised our girl Jem with a little party. She's moving on Friday, so we wanted to say goodbye properly. The only thing was just that because it was a surprise she had planed a night for us in the city. But to be able to get her out of the city and to the sister who had the party I had to be a complete B-word and bulldoze over them. She was least to say very mad. Although I knew it was gonna happen I felt so bad. I couldn't even look at her the entire time we where going to his sisters apartment. But she forgave me when she realized it was a party for her :)
We had fun, dancing and singing and jumping around. We will miss her though. I'm lucky, I get to spend time with her in England in August, when we're going to a wedding, since we'll be going together :)


I can't believe it's already July! Time flies, and it doesn't feel like it's been much of a summer. I've mostly felt like I shouldn't have packed away my winter clothes just yet.

So I joined this challenge through a friend in New York. It's #SimplifyJuly. Everyday for the entire month of July you're supposed to throw out, give away or otherwise get rid of one item you own every day.
I thought this would be perfect now before we move out. I've already been putting away stuff to sell at the flee-market later this month, but for this challenge I'm going to try to throw/give away stuff that I maybe don't want to get rid of, but I don't use/need.
Since it's already July 2nd I need to put away 2 things. So: 1 pair of black high heels and an electronic chocolate melting machine.

The shoes I love, they are so pretty, but unfortunately uncomfortable. And the chocolate melting machine... I've used it like twice. So out they go! I'm going to put these things with the stuff I'll be selling. (Whatever doesn't get sold I'll either give or throw away)

Ok so time to continue cleaning up this mess in my room. There is clothes and stuff ERRYWHERE!

Love/ E.

Ps. Leaving you with an awesome song as a bonus.

onsdag 25 juni 2014

Because FIFA

Can't say life in Vantaa is all that exciting. Therefore, FIFA14. Wirtanen (the cat) doesn't seem to mind much. Weather's been cold. Yesterday while I was out walking with Hope rain started pouring down from the sky. I thought my jacket was water-proof but surprise! It wasn't. I'm just thankful my cell phone made it back home without being completely soaked.
Oulu was pretty awesome. Loved being at the assembly, feeling extremely encouraged now. It was also really nice seeing many of my old friends and how well they're doing. So so far this trip's been a success. Tomorrow Laura's coming to Helsinki too, can't wait! It'll be fun to hang around in Finland together.
So now I'm gonna go out running in the woods. And hope that crazy kid who was running after me and my brother yesterday with a "gun" pointed at us, doesn't reappear. Cuz that's freaky. #Hoodproblems


fredag 13 juni 2014

The loudest scream, is silence - The one you where not supposed to see

May 5th 2014

More and more often I look around me and I'm confused. I feel as if I where a stranger in my own life.

A stranger in my body. A stranger in my home.
(Whatever home is.)
The only place I've felt safe is my bed. But my protector have started to betray me.
The strange world around me is seeping into my dreams. Now I am a stranger even there.

I look at myself and I don't recognize myself. How did I become this? 
This ghost of someone who used to be a real person. Now only a shell.
Insecurities and flaws stitched together with the whispers of a good, once thriving, heart.

Who am I now? Who was I before? 
How did I get here? How do I escape?

onsdag 11 juni 2014


Mä duunaan, mä treenaan, mä elän. Istun partsilla, kuuntelen Chopinia, itken onnesta vähän väliä. Kohta mä lähden. Eka Dalarna, sit Suomi, sit täällä viimenen kuukausi. Mä lähden, mä lähden. Ehkä oon hokenu noita sanoja liikaa, koska nyt mun mieli on jo kaukana täältä. Ihan ku se ei yleensä ois muissa maailmoissa. Mutta nyt mun mieli on muuttanu muualle, eikä se halua tulla takaisin, vaikka mä sitä tarvitsen. Mun mieltä ei paljon enää vaivaa nää ihmiset, nää talot, nää kadut. Mä katson ylös korkeuksiin, taivaalle, ja oon onnellinen, koska mä tiedän, että parempia asioita on tulossa. 
Ja nyt ei kiinnosta muuta ku tehdä piruetteja ja tuntea kaikkea sitä mahtavaa mitä mä tunnen ja olla onnellinen, aidosti. 


onsdag 4 juni 2014

Not A Bad Thing

I'm obsessed with this song! And I love how they made a short documentary instead of a regular music video. It's so good. Check it out!

And for everyone living under a rock, here's the song ;)

J.T. in my <3


måndag 2 juni 2014

Breaking up with Misery

Today was the first day that I actually felt that summer was here! After a night of barbecuing and playing games with some friends from our cong, today I woke up and felt sort of happy. So I decided I'm not only going to be sort of happy. I'm going to be HAPPY! So that's that.
 Work went fine. Did my Thursday work, so this week is going to be sooo confusing. Then I met up with Laura in the park for a little bit, and then Josefin came over and we sat on the balcony in the sun, and after three hours I have some serious tan-lines now. Yey!
 All of this, and the fact that it's almost 8 pm and the sun is still up makes me feel like summer! I feel bright, and light, and determined that I'm going to keep this positive attitude, because why waste a life being miserable! I'm so done with it.

Let's have a great week!
And laugh! Why? because why not!


söndag 1 juni 2014


Väisty Erä-Jorma, täältä tulee Lenkki-Jorma! #ainalenkillä
Kerronpa teille tarinan. Olipa kerran Lenkki-Jorma joka tykkäsi lähteä lenkille. Hänellä oli kuitenkin aina vähän väliä kipua milloin polvessa, milloin nilkassa. Sittenpähän keksi laittaa polvituen päälle. Ja polvi kiitti! Niin he yhdessä lenkkeilivät loppuelämänsä ilman kipua.
Sen pituinen se.
Mutta kun ei se elämä niin toimi, että polvituki pelastaisi lenkkeilijän!
Vähän se tais auttaa, mut pitäs varmaan hankkii toiseenki polveen ja molempiin nilkkohin. Sitähän näyttäis siltä ku olis rullaluistelusuojat päällä.
70-vuotisen nivelet
Nyt mä katon jotai intialaista leffaa ja koitan mennä ajoissa nukkumaan. Uus viikko alkakoon!


Ja illan biisi:
Kubelta matskuu! Toi Mari Johanna ei kauheena tee muhun vaikutusta, ainakaan tässä pätkässä, voitte ihan hyvin mielin skipata sen osion ku se räpättää.Mut muuten, toimii!

Meistä voi tulla jotain, jotain ihan muut, ku noi kaikki muut

lördag 31 maj 2014

Major Shoecrush

1. X-Men: Days of Future Past oli tajuttoman hyvä. Vähän Inception meininkiä oli mixattu sekaan. Haippaan!! Menkä kattomaan äkkiä niinku olis jo.

2. Ostin nää törkeen hienot kengät River Islandista. En jaksa oottaa et pääsen käyttämään! River Island on kyllä ainakin tällä hetkellä mun ehdoton lemppari butiikki. Niin mahtavaa ku se löytyy nykyään Tukholmastakin.

3. Buukkasin lennon Suomeen. 3 viikkoo, sit sinne!! Mahtavaa nähä vanhoja kaveteita ja tuttuja taas pitkästä aikaa.

Hyvää lauantaita!! Meitsin osalta tää ilta vietetään gymillä. Pakko saada pumppii päälle hei!!


torsdag 29 maj 2014

Henkeen ja vereen


Kotona ollaan taas, terve menoa vaan! Kotimatka meni ihan jees, vaikka oli harvinaisen paha migreeni koko lennon ja sitten linkkumatkan kotiin. Oli ihan huippuhyvä reissu. Tuli nähtyä niin monta eri paikkaa viikon sisään! Ei varmaan moni kutsuis sellasta lepolomaksi, mutta mä kyllä kutsun sitä just siks. Mulle lepoa on vaan se, ettei oo pakko tehdä mitään, eikä keskittyä mihinkään, vaan saa antaa ajatusten kulkee minne ne haluukin. Aktiivinen ja vapaa loma on paras loma. Viikko sitä ja pystyy hyvin taas keskittymään töissä. Tänään pitikin mennä heti töihin aamulla ja hyvinhän se meni. Paitsi että pamautin pääni ovenkarmiin, älyttömältä kuin se kuullostaakin. En pysty edes selittämään miten mä onnistuin siinä, mutta ainaki se sattu ihan sikana. Perus Sara-tyylii. Nyt on sit mukava pieni kuhmu otsassa.

the Fitzwilliam Museum

Claude Monet
Mami ja heppa

Bunkkeri, ihan oikeesti

Heissan Sveissan.

Ja sit vielä tän viikon most played, eli Gracias ja Juno. Ihan mahtavaa musiikkii tulee Suomesta tällä hetkellä. Gracias - HKI (alla) on kyl muutaman vuoden vanha mut kuunnelkaa sen uutta matskuu! Kohta on saatavilla uus Elengi levy. Mä ainaki ootan sitä innolla! Eikä tää Junonkaan biisi oo uus, mutta ei se mitään! Parempi nyt ku ei koskaan. Ehkä joltaki on jääny kuulematta!


Huomenna mennään tsiigaan uusin X-Men!


I left my heart, scattered at the bottom of the ocean

Hey  whoever reads this. It's been a while, again. Me and Laura came home Saturday from amazing NYC. I miss it already! Or actually, I miss the people! I got to see my dear Paris-friends and also make a whole lot of new ones. I left pieces of my heart back there.

Here's some bits and pieces of our trip:


It feels so strange that it wasn't so long ago when we where dreaming away and looking forward to our trip, and now it's already in our past.

I need to get some sleep now, so until next time!
