söndag 14 september 2014

Answer to Vlog

HEIMOI. Loved Eve's cute vlog. Yeah, we've been kind of busy I guess. but really it's the same kind of busy as I've been in Stockholm so it's not gotten out of hands yet. I'm working at a production music company at the moment, and internship sort of, and it's quite interesting. I still have a lot to fix with the NI number and setting up a bank account but that should sort itself out before this month comes to its end.
Today's been really nice, the girls organized this tea party/welcome thing for me and Laura and invited over some girls. Our lovely Renee made us vegan cupcakes that were to die for. Laura and I ate three. Now I'm so full I have to roll myself to other rooms. Not really. I was out running after eating so it wasn't too bad. I just love love love this area. Victoria Park is the best place to go for a run and it's so close to where we live too. Can't wait to get a gym membership though. Can't get one until I have a bank account. Hirveetä byrokratiaa. Graciasta vaan. Oh well, at least I got a library card! Not that I've been calm enough to read lately. But the calm will come! I don't even remember what I've told about living here in the earlier post, maybe I'm repeating myself, IDK.

BUT LIFE IS AWESOME. I love music. And I love London. EVERYTHING IS GREAT.
All I gotta do is find some dance crew or whatever. Met some cool street dancers last night. Maybe I could join 'em lol.
Who knows.

Heaps of exclamation marks


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