lördag 29 mars 2014

Make me forget


Helloo people, It's been a while.

Yesterday was I had such a great afternoon and night that it made me forget how lousy I've been feeling this week. I came home from visiting my brother in Finland on Monday morning. I always miss him the moment we say goodbye. We've always lived so close to each other so it's been hard, but also brought us closer together. Making us realize we might have taken each other for granted. At least that's how I feel.
Anyway, yesterday after work I met up with lovely Josefine, and we just walked around in the sun, had some coffee and walked around some more, enjoying - what felt like -  the first day of spring.
After that we had some pizza and wine at our place and she left and we got a new guest, for the night :) This awesome girl who we never met before but she needed a place to sleep, so of course, our door is always open - excuse the mess.


I'm starting to get excited about New York! It's slowly but surely becoming a reality in my head that we  are actually going! The trip we've been planning for years is finally happening, and the best part, there are some awesome people who I CAN'T WAIT to see!!! 

41 DAYS!


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