söndag 9 mars 2014

One Sunday Morning

Woke up around 8 AM. I really wanted to sleep longer, but I guess routine's routine. I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday. Anyone with me on that?
So, I made these amazing raw nut butter cups. You can find the recipe here.

Last night I realized that everyone back "home", all of my childhood friends, are slowly starting to settle down. Having kids, being in serious relationships, the usual. Somehow I've been living in the illusion that time has frozen over there, but obviously that's not the case. Now it's started to feel like I live in another universe, so far away from where I used to live, where my life used to be. It's a weird feeling and I realize I've changed quite a lot. Which is a good thing. I also realize I've been so bad at keeping in touch with my friends. I'm just not good at it. So I think it's time for me to pay a visit to my hoods this summer. I mean, I haven't seen my cousins kid yet, and I haven't seen her in almost 2 years. The same goes for my other childhood friends. Time to catch up with people. And it's much better face to face than on Facebook. So I'm going to start planning a trip to Finland. June it is. Then I'll get to go to the assemblies too.

Vaivaa pieni Suomi-ikävä. Ei oo tosiaan tullu käytyä sitten kesän 2012 kun sieltä (taas) muutin. Eli kesäkuussa sinne. Pakkohan se joskus on koti-hoodeja käydä moikkaamassa ja vanhojen lapsuuskavereitten kuulumisia käydä kyselemässä. Kun ei se aika oo pysähtyny vaan sen takia että mä en siellä asu. Elämä kulkee, ja sit sitä yhtäkkii tajuu et ei oo ite kerenny mukaan ollenkaan. Että sellasta. Tänään on sunnuntai, eli se perus 3-4 tuntinen salipäivä. Ja aurinko paistaa. Ei kai tässä asiat taas paremmaks voi muuttua.

I just realized I can start skating now. It's spring! No snow. I didn't skate at all last summer, awful as it is, so I am definitely going to start skating again soon. 

That hair. These are from 2012 a couple of months after I'd moved to Stockholm.

Enjoy your sunny Sunday!


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