söndag 27 april 2014

Flippin' Awesome

No terve! Sunnuntai taas, eikä tässä oo ku kolme päivää huhtikuuta jälellä. Mulle iski jonkulainen flunssa tässä perjantai/lauantain aikana, nyt on kurkku kipeenä ja päässä pyörii ku ois parin promillen kännit. Tai no, voisin kuvitella, että tältä se tuntuis. En tiiä voiko tätä mun jumittunutta niskaa syyttää asiasta, mutta onhan se nyt pakko mennä kiropraktikolle. En oo ennen käyny, vähän jännittää et vääntääkö se niskan paikoiltaan vai mitä se oikeen tekee. Toivon mukaan selviin siitä ainaki hengistä. 

Oon nyt viikonloppuna kattonu viis leffaa. Se on tätä sairastelua. Perjantaina oltii kattomassa Amazing Spider-Man 2, ja olihan se hyvä! Sitten mentiin Flippin' Burgersiin, josta me Lauran kans onneksemme bongattiin vegaaniburgeri. Hyvää oli! Sit lauantaina olin jossai megakirpparilla rundailemassa pitkästä aikaa, ja kyllähän sielt jotain löyty. Ostin mm. ranskanbulldogi-säästöpossun. Se tulee kyllä mukaan Lontooseen, kerätään sinne sit pennejä. Ja sit tänään makasin kuolleena (sairaana) sängyssä ja jouduin jättämään välistä tanssitreenit, not cool! Raahasin itteni sit sängystä sen verran et mentiin tyttöjen kanssa Humlegårdeniin ottamaan aurinkoo. Ja väriä tuli, nyt meitsi on sellanen Panda-naama. Sit mentiin vielä Vapianoon tapaamaan vähän ihmisiä. Aka istuttiin Lauran kans pelaamassa Quizkampenia toistemme kanssa. Ja nyt mä aion kattoo Mementoo ja nukkua. Huomenna on uus viikko.
Hyvää loppusunnuntaita! Vaikka ootteki varmaan jo nukkumaan menossa. Eli, hyvää yötä!


torsdag 24 april 2014

Bleeding out inside

I haven't been quite sure how personal I want to get on this blog. Maybe that's why I don't write here so much. Because I feel that so much of what goes on is inside my head, and it's just too personal to put out here for everyone to see. There's a part of me I don't want to share to everyone. Sometimes that part shows it's ugly little nose, and I let it. But then I push it back down. "You are not for everyone".

Kungsträdgården with my Cousin last week

What I can tell you is that I had an awesome weekend with my brother and his wife in town. I'm exhausted now afterwards, but it was worth it! Awesome mama-made food, and hanging out and laughing with my family. I miss my brother already!

 Brother and me, being crazy....

They brought mom and dad the dvd of the 25th anniversary show of Phantom of The Opera at Albert Hall. My brother has seen it several times and I saw it once before, and we where both nerding completely over how amazing the cast is.

Just listen to Ramin Kaminloo (The Phantom) in the beginning when he sings "Silently the senses, abandon their defenses....."

CHILLS! He has the perfect emotional deep and powerful and at the same time soft voice. He really catches the Phantoms desperation and obsessive character. Gah! Nerding again, sorry! You can see the whole thing on youtube if you want to (Part 1 / Part 2) It is AMAZING!
What makes everything even better, I just bought tickets for me and Laura to go see  Phantom at Broadway when we go. SO EXCITED!!!



tisdag 22 april 2014

And I'm burning to escape the cold

(my sister in Kuusamo a few years ago)

Now this has been a strangely awesome Tuesday. Work was awesome, then I went running, which was also awesome, and then I just found out the Antlers' new album Familiars will be released June 17. I'm currently listening to the preview on NPR All Songs Considered (also my favorite podcast). SO EXCITED. So hey, even Tuesdays can be great every once in a while. I just had green soy bean fettuccini made completely out of, well, green soy beans. And it was delicious. I've realized I need to step up my protein intake since I'm eating a vegan diet. So hello soy protein and hemp protein. I definitely don't want to lose the muscle mass I've fought so hard to build up. Anyway, I'd rather be a bit big and muscular than skinny and flabby. I'm loving my arms at the moment though. I'm seeing a big change from last fall, I wish I had before and after photos of me flexing. It's awesome really. I love being strong.

(yesterday's brekkie, so good)

(St Eriksplan in the night time, beautiful)

Peace out boy scout, tomorrow I'm gonna get myself a massage. 's about time!


söndag 20 april 2014

This ain't love but let's pretend

The Afghan Whig's new album Do to the Beast (the first in 16 years!) is terrific. The Afghan Whigs are from Ohio and were originally active from 1986 to 2001. So I was quite surprised and excited when I heard about this album being released. I've been listening to it every day since it was released this Monday. I'm posting my three favorite songs from the album and you guys have to listen. Even if you don't like it haha, you HAVE to. It's a command. I love every song on the album, but these three kind of stuck out.

This song breaks my heart. The pain really comes through Greg Dulli's voice. Just perfect. 

5/5 to this album. Now I'm going to do nothing all day long. Except go to the gym and work my butt off. A DAY OFF, finally. I'll post more later, now I'm hungry for breakfast.



PS. If you've never listened to the Afghan Whigs before, you've go to listen to the youtube clip below. Plus, young Conan! Hilarious.

torsdag 17 april 2014


Obligatoriska Kungsträdgårdsbilderna kommer här. Every spring. Tror det blir väldigt kortvarigt i år dock, så tur att jag hann dit. Det kanske var sista chansen att se det, vem vet?
För övrigt är jag så sjukt seg idag. Har ingen aning om vad jag håller på med, bara snurrar i huvudet. Why? I have no clue.

I said no more selfies. But hey, I did have to prove I was there. Hiding behind my newspapers. So hello and bye. Nu är det äntligen helg!

Time to sleep, sweet dreams!


måndag 14 april 2014

life is beautiful

life is pretty sweet right now. so many wonderful things to look forward to. going to south of sweden this week to visit my wonderful niece. i will get to see my sisters too. i miss them so much. its so rare that the three of us get to spend time together because we live so far apart.
new york in less than a month. sickkk. it still hasnt sunk in though, that me and eve are finally going. note to self: watch movies that take place in the big apple.

this weekend felt like the beginning of summer to me. i spent saturday night with two of my favorite people in the world. we were out socializing with people. danced our tears away. it was beautiful. im so grateful for my friends. theyre golden.

i saw the grand budapest hotel with another wonderful friend, madeleine. wes andersons new film. love his movies. theyre so eccentric.

the soundtrack really stuck with me. so sweet. i listened to it all weekend. i felt like i was in some kind of fairy tale land. alice in wonderland style. falling down the rabbit hole. seeing floating lamps and stuff. 

another thing i did this weekend was watch the sun through my curtains. i love doing that. it looks like...sparkling water. and like war-paint on my face. braveheart. THEY MAY TAKE OUR LIVES, BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM!!!!! i feel free. content. please let it last.


söndag 13 april 2014

I must learn...

I want these on my wall.


Että sellasta. Taas ollaan viikosta selvitty elossa! Joten ehkä sitä vois taas jonkunlaisen koosteen tehdä. Päätettiin äitin kanssa et joka ilta kirjotetaan ylös kolme asiaa, josta ollaan kiitollisia ja sit kerrotaan ne toisillemme seuraavana päivänä. Tässä tulee sit viikosta pikku kooste. Tai sanotaanko et Top Vitonen.

1. Nukkuminen
Nukkuminen on vaan niin mahtavaa. Perjantaina menin ajoissa nukkumaan ja tänään nukuin yhteentoista. En oo nukkunu niin myöhään ikuisuuteen. Syynä saatto olla se, että menin nukkumaan puol 4 aamu-yöllä, mutta silti! Niin joo, sit kävin Duxianas kokeilemassa sänkyjä ihan työn puolesta. Siellä oli sellanen Duxin pehmee sänky ja voi elämä kun en sieltä halunnu nousta. Oon tyytyväinen omaan sänkyyni, mut jos saisin sen Duxin niin kyllä kiitos, tervetuloa.

2. Perjantaian töitten jälkeen lähin juoksulenkille. Mä juoksin tän maiseman ohi ja mietin, et voi valita kattooko noita kaatuneita puita ja maalla lojuvaa roskaa vai kattooko kaunista ilta-taivasta, kuuta, ja toisella puolella parhaillaan laskevaa aurinkoa. Ja niinpä mä katsoin taivaisiin. Ja se oli parasta.

3. Löysin mun ED-hupparin, jee! Oi niitä aikoja. Tuli ikävä mun tanssijengii. Sit Lontoos kyl liityn johonki crewiin et pääsee tanssimaan kunnolla.

4. Eilinen meni myöhään mutta ei se haittaa. Oli mahtavaa et Eve kans lähti mukaan Bernsiin. Oli hauskaa, sen pituinen se. Mitä Bernsissä tapahtuu jääköön Bernsiin, ainakin mun puolesta.

5. Tää biisi jonka Laura soitti mulle eilen. Soinu repiitillä koko päivän.

Ja mitäs muuta. Kunnon treenit tänään ja sit kävelin viel rundin Stora Essingellä. Siellä on niin rauhallista, vaikee uskoo et on niin lähellä Stokiksen hälinää. Ehkä mä sit Lontoon jälkeen tuun oleen niin kyllästyny kaupunkeihin et muutan jonnekki Lappiin ja rupeen erakoks. Erä-Jorma Ulpukka. Ja sit hankin kaks ranskan bulldogii joitten nimeks tulee Mooses ja Hermanni. Toi Hermanni oli vaan hetken lohkasu, mut Mooses on ja pysyy.

HYVÄÄ LOPPUSUNNUNTAITA. Minä olen tästä lähtien nukkumassa. Koitan keksiä ens viikolle jotain jännempää kertomista.


torsdag 10 april 2014

I watch it crush me


We're in the same boat haha. This day just ain't doing it for me. I've been feeling exhausted throughout the day for no apparent reason, I didn't even feel like going to my dance classes. So I skipped house (also because I worked OT), but went to hip hop. And it was awesome. So at least I had my one hour of happiness today. The rest is just blargh, bye bye, tack och hej, du är inte välkommen åter. 

Good thing Moby knows how to sum up this day:

see the storm is broken
in the middle of the night
nothing left here for me
it's washed away
the rain pushes
the buildings aside
the sky turns black
the sky
wash it far
push it out to sea
there's nothing left here
for me
i watch it lift up to the sky
i watch it crush me
and then i die

speak to me baby
in the middle of the night
pull your mouth
close to mine
i can see the wind coming down
like black night
so speak to me
like the winds outside
it's broken up, pushing us
hear the rain fall
see the wind come to my eyes
see the storm broken
now nothing
speak to me baby
in the middle of the night
speak to me
hold your mouth to mine
'cause the sky is breaking
it's deeper than love
i know the way you feel
like the rains outside
speak to me


PS. Något roligt iallafall, hittade en vitlök längst bak i kylskåpet och det har börjat växa ut gröna blad ur den haha. Hilarious! Så nu har vi en vitlöksväxt i köket!

Total crash landing

I had a good day. Had. I was in a weirdly good mood. Did my work, met Laura for coffee in the sun. All was good.
Then all energy just drained. Everyone was getting on my nerves on the subway. I didn't wanna do anything when I got home but I had to go grocery shopping. And on my way home.... My car broke down. OH JOY! So... I had a good day, and now I'm done with it.

I went from this:

To this:


onsdag 9 april 2014

De Nada

Lately I've been thinking about how people are so quick to try to label others and put them in a certain box. It seems to me that many people do this quite quickly and after deciding someone is a certain kind of a person, they'll stay as such a person no matter what the person does. Often they don't even bother trying to get to know that person better. I'm not sure I'm making any sense here. I suppose we're all more or less prejudiced. That's why first impressions are so important. And I'm not sure I'm good at making first impressions. In fact, I'm really not. I've heard weird comments of what people thought I was like before they got to know me. Especially back in school. Anyway, what I was supposed to say is that I've noticed that first impressions can be very wrong. It's so cool when you think you've got somebody figured out and they turn out to be something completely different. But that's the thing, you have to dig deeper to find out things like that. I think we all have so much more to say, there's so much under the surface. It's like a treasure hunt, really. We could learn so much from each other's experiences, stories, dreams, hopes, failures, feelings... And so, I suggest we all start devoting time to getting to know people around us. Neighbors, and old lady sitting alone on a bench in the park, people sitting next to you on the bus, whatever. Somewhere around the time technology came along we've lost the connection to the people around us. And I'm definitely a victim of technology, no denying of it. So this is mostly a note to myself. I think it'd be nice to somehow reconnect with reality. Real people. Real conversations. And enjoying it more than I enjoy scrolling down on my Twitter feed or on Instagram.

Or maybe it's just nicer ignoring everything and everybody so that you don't have to feel disappointed and being hurt and broken by the ruthless world around you.


Dark Hearts and Rainy Skies

Hey people.
Sorry about the slow flow on the blog lately.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I've been a bit down the past few days. No idea why. But I've been  distracting myself with Boy Meets World. I finished it with an overflow of tears. Don't ask me why, but I really liked that show.

Soo.. Not much going on. I went to my friend Amelia at her hairdresser-school and she fixed my colors, so now my red is popin' and rockin'! (Lol, I'm such a loser)

See ya! /E.

söndag 6 april 2014

Where our world falls to pieces

Holla. Oh sorry, we've been so busy we haven't had time to blog. Ehm, I mean, actually there's just nothing to blog about. I'm guessing I speak for all of us when I say this week's been nothing out of the ordinary. Same old, nothing new. Hence, nothing to blog about.
So I figured I'll make a top 10 of my favorite moments this week. Hold on to your hats, here we go...

1. Discovering that Thievery Corporation's released a new album, Saudade. The single Depth of My Soul, below, was an immediate favorite. Can't believe I missed the release. I need to get back to always being up to date with important things like this. Well, at least I was only late by a few days this time. It could've been worse.

2. My boss buying me lunch. Yuhmeeh vegan risotto (below). The chef told me he'd attended to make a goofy face on top of the dish, but it failed a bit haha. I like the crazy hairdo though.

3. First Vurma morning this year. Eating breakfast or having coffee on the colorful benches outside at Vurma in Hornstull has become a bit of a tradition, and it was so nice to get this year started today with Laura and Josefine.

4. Taking selfies and feeling fine about the way I look. Might sound crazy, but me being ok with the way I look is a definite win! As I've told earlier, I've definitely not been ok with the way I look for let's say, 99% of my life.

5. Reading the latest GQ. I laughed at pretty much every story. One of my absolute favorite magazines. GQ and Top Gear always crack me up. 

6. Buying 6 kg of bananas. Because it was cheap. Now I'm going to be feasting on banana ice cream every day, aw yeah.

7. Hip Hop class by Benke this Thursday was awesome. The song we did a choreography to was Tyga's Dope. Indeed.

8. The DIY facial scrub I made today with sugar, lemon and a bit of water. I did put a bit of honey in it (sorry), because Eve reminded me of its anti-inflammatory benefits. And it was good. My face and my hands are soft as a babys butt as we speak. I mean, as I write. Therefore, a photo of a girl with flawless skin and terrific eyebrows. Mind if I just pluck those and glue them on my face instead?

9. Samuel L. Jackson performing a slam poem about Boy Meets World, a show I know Eve's been obsessed with lately.

10. Being social last night and actually going out to meet people. It was nice and I'm definitely done with being unsocial (for now). Spring and sunshine do wonders. Oh, and service has been spectacular too.

Right now:
Heat is leading over the Knicks and I'm listening to Young Dreams. 's all good.

BUMMER of the week:
The finale of How I Met Your Mother. I CAN'T EVEN
Speaking of which, you could read this.

Tomorrow it's Monday, back to work and everything and OH CRAP I FORGOT TO GET MY LAUNDRY. Gotta run.
We should do this more often though, dear blog. It was fun. So long!


PS. Heat won. I'll have a glass of water to celebrate. (Hands clapping)

onsdag 2 april 2014

Your hands are cold

Ensimmäinen aprilli meni ohi ilman yhtäkään pilaa. Mitä ihmettä? Ehkä se pila oli se, ettei pilaa ollu. On ollu kylmempi, ja vaikka aurinko paisto tänään, mä palelen aina luihin saakka. Kädet oli niin jäässä, ettei punttisalilla saanu kunnon otetta mistään. Oon nähny kummallisia unia lyhyemmistä työpäivistä ja randomien ihmisten halaamisesta. Oon kattonu Prince of Egypt ja liikuttunu hulluna palava pensas-kohtauksessa. Oon ollu vähän kärsimätön tunkeilevien ihmisten kanssa ja huusin jollekin älyttömän kova-ääniselle AIK-kannattajalle että sulkis suunsa. Eli ilmeisesti siinä taas ois jotain mitä kehittää, kärsivällisyyttä näitten sekopäitten kanssa. Ilmeisesti meidän talon varastoihin on murtauduttu, älytöntä touhua. Ei mulla siellä oo mitään muuta ku tyhjiä matkalaukkuja, mut ei varmaan kauaa ennenku ne murtautuu meiänki kämppiin. Jippijaijee. Jää niin turvaton fiilis, ei oo ketään pelastamassa jos jotai tapahtuu. Sen pituinen se.

Mä ootan huomista, että pääsee tanssimaan housee ja hiphopia. Torstait on vaan parhaita. Eikä tänä viikonloppuna tapahu yhtään mitään. Eikä se haittaa, koska on jo aikakin et mä vähän kerkeisin huilata. Pää painaa viis tonnia. Ja haluun lukee, kunnon kirjoja. En oo lukenu kunnolla ikuisuuteen. Ehkä nyt, ehkä tänä viikonloppuna pystyis sen verran rauhottumaan et vois keskittyy lukemiseen. 
Tänään puntilla näin sellasen sairaan hyväkuntosen tytön ja sit mä vaan mietin et voi hertsyykelis, miks mä oon tällanen. Ja sit mä mietin, et ei musta oikeesti taida kukaan tykätä. Tai, miks musta kukaan tykkäis? Se on se perus, eiks vaan? Self-loathing, that's what I'll call it. Mulla on ainaki se ongelma, et haluun et kaikki tykkä musta. Tai ainakin jos tuntuu et joku ei tykkää musta, niin mä heti ajattelen et oon ihan hirvee ihminen. Siis mun arvo ihmisenä riippuu siitä, tykkääkö se joku ihminen musta vai ei. Niin tyhmää. Joskus oon et WHO CARES mut sit joskus oon et EVERYBODY CARES. Ei kauheen tasapainosta! Mites te tasapainoiset ihmiset mietitte? Vai onks niit sellasii tasapainosii ihmisii olemassa enää, vai onks niistä tullu yksisarvisii? Unicorneja, siis.

Sörsseli seis, heissan sveissan. Linkkaan kans tän viikon stuck on replay albumilta yhden biisin. Olin kokonaan missanu, että Beckiltä on tullu uutta matskuu, kunnes luin siitä GQ:ssä. Hyvää on.


tisdag 1 april 2014

Baby you don’t have to know exactly who you are, Because figuring it all out could be the best part

Sara has been on my case every day to blog. i don't really have much to share. Been working. We had our special assembly day on Sunday. It was awesome. Here's some music I just discovered!

Tori Kelly. Cool girl. Love her hair! :)

38 days

Love /E.