- ätit världens godaste smoothie gjord på banan, kakao och mynta
- gjort 105 squats. var inte ens jobbigt
- elefantbajsat!
- gått från mariatorget till skanstull. älskar söder
- det är möte ikväll. alltid fint. får sjunga!!!
- lyssnat på så bra musik att jag blir alldeles varm i hjärtat
english: this day pretty much sucked. lots of annoying things have happened and i could complain all day. but ive chose to not complain anymore about things that dont really matter. so heres a list of all the good things that have and will happen today: i ate the most delicious smoothie, did 105 squats, elephant-pooped, took a long walk, theres a meeting tonight, listened to really really good music.
/ laura
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