It' so crazy to think that soon it will all be over. It's the end of an era, and a beginning of a whole new chapter. Most exciting for the girls of course, but I'll be having my own adventure with living completely on my own for the first time. Trying to make new friends.
The thing I'm most excited about in all of this madness is that my brother and his wife are finally coming back home. I know they where just here, and I've been able to visit them from time to time, I've still missed them o much! So I'm just going to think about that and not about the fact that my best friend and my roommate are moving away to another country.
So what have we been up to besides all of this moving madness? Pretty much just enjoying the summer as much as possible. Last weekend for example was so great! It's been so warm these past weeks it feels tropical. I went out with my parents with their boat, and even the ocean water is super warm. I love it.
And Friday we where at The Loch and Quay where our a friends band played. I love their music, check them out, they're called BURNhabit.
I don't even know if anyone reads this anymore. We will pick it up again when things calm down a little bit.
Until then, take care.